East Reservations

East Chapel Hill High School Performing Arts


Auditions for Lost Girl?


Important Dates


Monday, September 9th in Auditorium

Tuesday, September 10th in Auditorium

4:00 to 6:00 PM


Thursday, September 12th in Auditorium

4:00 to 7:00 PM

Performance Dates:

Matinee Showing November 13th

Thursday, November 14th 6:30 pm

Friday, November 15th 7:30 pm

Saturday, November 16th 7:30 pm

First Readthrough – Tuesday, September 17th 4:00 – 7:00 PM

First Rehearsal – Wednesday, September 18th, 5:00 – 6:30 PM 

Parent Meeting – Monday, September 16th, Virtual, 7:30 – 8:15 PM

Please note actors will be required to miss classes 

on the afternoon of November 8th & the morning of November 13th.

As we approach that date, you will be given field trip forms and must have them signed by parents and teachers. The majority of students in our program do not suffer academically from missing these days, but please email director Hope Love at hlove@chccs.k12.nc.us if you or your parent/guardian has concerns about this requirement.

If you have any questions or concerns about the dates above, especially the audition and performance dates, please contact stage manager Flori Sueldo at artateast@chccs.k12.nc.us and director Hope Love at hlove@chccs.k12.nc.us 

Audition Preparation

  1. Fill out the Google Form with your school email address.

This must be completed before September 9th. It contains questions important to the casting process and permission forms required to be involved in this production.

  1. Read the script
  2. Prepare audition materials FOLDER WITH ALL AUDITION MATERIALS

Prepare Acting Side #1.    Please be prepared to make different choices for each character.   You do not need to be memorized.   You may print your own copy or we will have extras at check in.

  1. Check your calendar against the actor rehearsal calendar.

Report any conflicts you have from September 13th on the google form in step 1. Please report any regular weekday conflicts from September 13th to November 16th, any irregular vacation/travel dates in that period.  Please check with your parents and your school calendar carefully.  You may not have any weekday conflicts from November 1st to November 16th.

  1. Have a parent fill out the permission slip google form 

FROM A NON SCHOOL EMAIL by the week of auditions.  

We cannot cast you unless this form has been signed and turned in.

Audition Instructions

  • Arrive at the Black Box right after the 4:00 PM bell all days of auditions.
  1. Monday, September 9th –  Acting Sides END at 6:00 PM
  2. Tuesday, September 10th Games & New Combinations END at 6:00 PM
  3. Thursday, September 12th–Callbacks.  Only invited people END  at 7:00 PM
  • Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes that you can move in – it’s an ensemble piece, be prepared to use your whole body!
  • Bring water, a pencil or pen, and something to write with, in case there are notes from day to day. 
  • Be prepared to stay until the end of auditions each day.
  • You are strongly encouraged to attend both days of auditions.  
  • If you are unavailable for after school auditions, there is a lunch audition time available. Please indicate your intent to audition at lunch on the google form & arrive at the Black Box by 12:45 PM on Wednesday, September 11th. 
  • Before arriving, confirm you have turned in your google form and your parent has completed the Parent Permission google form. 
  • Clear your calendar for callbacks on Thursday, September 12th from 4:00 – 7:00 PMish
  • We use callbacks to ensure we have seen enough audition material to appropriately place actors.   Only select people will be asked back.  Being called back doesn’t mean you will be cast, not being called back doesn’t mean you won’t be cast.  We call back people we need to see more to decide.
  •  The callback list will be posted by the night of Wednesday, September 11th.
  • Callbacks may go over or under the scheduled time, but you may remain in the building until the scheduled END time.

If you have any questions about auditioning for Lost Girl? 

Please reach out to stage manager, Flori Sueldo  at artateast@chccs.k12.nc.us 

we would love to have you join us!